Hesburgh Library
1201 Hesburgh Library
University of Notre Dame
Notre Dame, IN 46556
(574) 631-1703
[St. Patrick's Day in America. See digital image on Marble.]
This library guide accompanies the course, Irish Hands that Built America, taught by Professors Patrick Griffin and Ian Kuijt, and will help you use the Hesburgh Libraries' resources to the best advantage.
On this page, you will find listings of the main paths to finding information -- LIbrary website, good databases, etc.
On the 'Research' page, you will find ideas for using primary sources such as newspapers, and links to other useful library guides.
The 'Special Collections' page contains some information on relevant items and collections in the Hesburgh Libraries, both in Special Collections and in the University Archives.
Please enjoy the guide, and don't hesitate to ask for help or for more information.