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Open Access Publishing at the University of Notre Dame

ACS Publishing Discount Details

Who is covered?

Corresponding authors from the University of Notre Dame.

Which journals are covered?

All ACS journals included in the ACS AuthorsChoice program, except ACS Central Science, ACS Omega, or JACS Au.

What is the discount?

$250 discount, with additional discounts for ACS members based on license chosen/selected availability after 12 months.

How can I apply for this discount?

Upon acceptance of an article, the corresponding author receives an email with a link to RightsLink. The affiliation discount of $250 is automatically applied if the author's institution subscribes to the ACS Journals package. If the author is a current member of the America Chemical Society, they are eligible to receive an additional $500 discount. To redeem the membership discount, the author should enter their ACS Member ID into the appropriate field of the Apply Discounts section of the RightsLink platform. Instructions for completing the order can be found here.

Which licenses are available?

For manuscripts published as open access, the default license is a CC-BY-NC-ND Creative Commons license. An author can publish under a CC-BY license by selecting that option during the open access ordering process. An additional charge of $1000 will apply if a CC-BY license is required. Additional information can be found here.

Authors will also be required to complete and sign a Journal Publishing Agreement, which will be included in the acceptance email.

What is the business model behind this arrangement?

University of Notre Dame's current subscription to ACS Journals Package.