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► CurateND accepts no responsibility for work deposited without the appropriate rights.
► We encourage depositors to assign access permissions that allow the widest possible use.
► If you believe your materials were deposited without appropriate permissions, please contact the CurateND support team.
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► For more information, view the Submission Agreement and the University of Notre Dame’s Intellectual Property Policy.
► Please also review the CurateND Governing Policies.
► Your license will depend on the exact nature of your work and the kinds of items in your research output (e.g., articles, software, data sets). See the University of Notre Dame's Intellectual Property Policy for guidance.
► Consistent with long-standing academic tradition, the University does not normally claim ownership of works such as textbooks, articles, papers, scholarly monographs, or artistic works. Creators therefore retain copyright in such works, unless they are created under a grant or sponsored program that specifies ownership rights in some entity other than the creator.
► CurateND allows users to assign a license of their choosing. Licenses can range from an "all rights reserved" to a “Creative Commons” license, to a “CC0” (public domain). Some of these permissions require attribution, allow for commercial use and reuse, or permit others to make derivative works. For more information, refer to the Creative Commons License Chooser or What is the Most Appropriate License for my Data?