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HIST 30147 — Early Chinese Empires


This course guide assists Professor Liang Cai's students in writing their final essay. It introduces

  1. reference sources (Getting Started) that provide background information for students' topic(s) of interest
  2. primary sources (Classical Chinese texts)
  3. secondary sources (Finding Articles & Books) where students can find scholarly information that can be used to develop and support their theses.
  4. how to cite sources

Getting Started

Classical Chinese Texts

English Translation

The Grand Scribe's Records, edited by William H. Nienhauser, Jr., is an ongoing project to produce the first complete English translation of Ssu-ma Ch ien's Shih chi. Of the eight volumes that have been published so far, only three are available in electronic format. For the volumes that are available only in print, refer to the table of contents/Google Preview to request a document delivery (pdf) of the pages you need.

Finding Articles & Books

Cite Sources

Used for: Arts, History, Literature, Sciences

Electronic Access: Chicago Manual of Style

Library copy: Hesburgh Library Reference Desk Z 253. U69 2010. Chicago Manual of Style. Printed 16th ed., 2010 (Other copies)

Used for: Literature, Liberal Arts, Humanities

Electronic access: MLA Handbook

Quick Guide

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Visit this Wikipedia article for comparisons.

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