Hesburgh Library
715B Hesburgh Library
University of Notre Dame
Notre Dame, IN 46556
(574) 631-5724
To search our libraries' holdings, go to the Libraries Homepage (libraries.nd.edu). The default search is OneSearch (at the right of the search bar) which will let you search for resources that our library owns and many that we do not own. ND Libraries searches only for materials and resources that we own or license. If you want to search for information on Christine de Pizan and Giovanni Bocaccio and Women, try a search like this:
Boccaccio and Pizan and Women
"And" is a boolean operator. Click the links below to learn more about boolean operators, good keyword searching habits, the libraries' website and resources, as well as citing the works you use in your writing.
Now that you have a better understanding of searching in general, click on the "City of Women" tab on the left menu, which will take you to resources for finding bibliographic sources and other information for your written work.
Feel free to contact me (your librarian, Julia Schneider) at jschneid@nd.edu (see my contact information on the menu to the left) if you have questions.