Thomas Mahaffey, Jr. Business Library
L001D Mendoza College of Business
University of Notre Dame
Notre Dame, IN 46556
If you find yourself frequently reusing chunks of code, you might want to write a program for those chunks. For example, suppose you need to generate many graphs that are more or less formatted similarly. Instead of entering the twoway command each time you want a graph, you could write a program for it. When you want a graph, simply call the program.
Note: Work in a do-file if you want to follow along. We will use the system example dataset auto.dta.
Without writing a program, you would do something like this:
sysuse auto, clear
*Scatter plot of price vs mpg
twoway scatter price mpg, title(Price vs MPG)
graph export price_vs_mpg.png, replace
*Scatter plot of price vs foreign
twoway scatter price weight, title(Price vs weight)
graph export price_vs_weight.png, replace
This generates two scatter plots, one for price vs. mpg and the other for price vs. weight.
You could write a program for this, which would save you some space and perhaps some labor (if you need to modify the graphs, you would simply modify the program instead of each individual twoway command).
capture program drop printgraph
program define printgraph
twoway `1' `2' `3', title(`2' vs `3')
graph export `2'_vs_`3'.png, replace
A few things:
To produce your graphs, just call printgraph.
Say you want a histogram of mpg. Stata is very forgiving and doesn't care that in this instance, your program tries to use a macro that doesn't exist (the third one).
The title of the histogram is rather unsatisfactory. You can further generalize the program to provide better titles.
capture program drop printgraph
program define printgraph
if "`1'" == "histogram" {
local gtitle = "`1' of `2'"
else {
local gtitle = "`1' plot of `2' vs `3'"
twoway `1' `2' `3', title(`gtitle')
graph export `1'_`2'_`3'.png, replace
Let's see what this gets us.
Click here for the do-file for this example.
If you're passing arguments to your program, it's better to explicitly specify the arguments within the program itself for clarity. You do this with the args command. Below is our example program modified to incorporate the use of args.
capture program drop printgraph
program define printgraph
args type yvar xvar
if "`type'" == "histogram" {
local gtitle = "`type' of `2'"
else {
local gtitle = "`type' plot of `yvar' vs `xvar'"
twoway `type' `yvar' `xvar', title(`gtitle')
graph export `type'_`yvar'_`xvar'.png, replace