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MARK 20100/BASC 20250/MDMK 20100 — Foundations of Marketing (Kleiser)


Your team has been assigned a database to evaluate and attempt to find a specific type of information. As a group, consider the following questions to evaluate your assigned database:

  • What sort of content is available in this database?
  • What is the specific document you found generally about?
  • What do you like and dislike about the database?
  • How could your specific document, or other documents like it, be applied to your Foundations of Marketing assignment?

Be prepared to send a representative from your group to demonstrate how you found the information in your database from beginning to end to the class as well as report back the answers to the questions above.


Group 1, 6

  1. Take the following link to the database Business Insights Essentials.
  2. See if you can find a SWOT analysis for the company that owns your brand.
    • If there is not one, can you explain why, and try to find the SWOT for a major company such as Walmart?

Group 2, 7

  1. Take the following link to the database Technavio.
  2. Try to find a market research report that is related to the product your group has been assigned for the Foundations of Marketing Project.

Group 3, 8

  1. Take the following link to the database Passport.
  2. Try to find a piece of data related to either your brand, or the target country you are trying to expand into for your Foundations of Marketing project.

    • If you cannot find your specific brand, that is alright, not all brands are covered by Passport!

Group 4, 9

  1. Take the following link to the World Development Indicators database.
  2. Try to generate a time series of a data point relevant to the population that could be used to evaluate expanding your assigned brand to an international market area.

Group 5, 10

  1. Take the following link to Statista.

  2. Try to find a piece of data relevant to either your assigned brand or target country for expanding your brand for the Foundations of Marketing project.

  3. For your selected pieces of data, what is the source of the data, and why might that be helpful information to know