Hesburgh Library
148 Hesburgh Library
University of Notre Dame
Notre Dame, IN 46556
(574) 631-8901
The Hesburgh Libraries currently has full access to reports for the following countries and partial access to the rest:
Select your preferred database (search strategy, display options, etc.) and drill down to the newspaper(s) in question. Usually you will be able to limit your search to the latest issue at the start of your search. You may also narrow your search to a specific topic.
Start on the Libraries homepage and search for the title of your newspaper(s) selecting appropriate links until you arrive at the newspaper's latest articles in your selected database. You may then limit your results to the latest available issue to limit the number of records displayed. As with Option A, you may narrow your search to a specific topic.
Option A
To locate a newspaper or newspapers for daily review:
Note: If you don't have the correct name of the newspaper, use the alphabetical list of titles available from the "Publications" lnk at the top of the page to locate the correct entry.
There is NO limit for simultaneous users. Please use this option when it contains your newspaper(s).
To locate a newspaper or newspapers for daily review.
Note: selecting the symbol will provide a description of that newspaper's coverage including scope and frequency. Select one that updates to the current or previous day and includes all or most content. Some titles are weekly or are embargoed for weeks or months.
Please note that currently (August 2017) access to Factiva is limited to 4 simultaneous users. During this semester we will be determining if this level of access is adequate. If you are denied access, please send an email with the "Subject: Factiva denied" to archer.1@nd.edu. This will allow us to track demand and determine if greater access is needed.
To search for English language newspapers.
To search for Non-English language newspapers
Option B
Next to the primary search box on the Libraries homepage, select NDCatalog, then:
This should produce a least one records for the desired title if ND has a subscription:
If there is more than one option, this should produce a list of links for online access from which you may choose.
Select the link to your preferred database and then use the database's limit function to restrict your search to the latest issue or to sort from the most recent publication date.
Sometimes, especially in the case of short, one or two word titles you may retrieve too many results for easy access. If that happens,
If this still doesn't work, try starting your search in Factiva, Nexis Uni or Newspaper Source Plus or contact your subject librarian.