Hesburgh Library
153 Hesburgh Library
University of Notre Dame
Notre Dame, IN 46556
(574) 631-2987
Digital repositories serve as a publishing outlet for many types of scholarly objects or outputs, including not only articles, books or book chapters, but datasets, conference proceedings, figures and illustrations, images, video and other multimedia objects.
Research libraries like the Hesburgh Library focus on collecting institutionally authored scholarly outputs of both faculty and students. In addition to making this scholarship openly accessible, the repository is designed to preserve it.
CurateND is the institutional repository for the University of Notre Dame. For more information on how to submit your work, please send a note to curate@nd.edu.
In addition to institutional repositories that focus on locally produced research, there are many other digital repositories with a disciplinary focus.
A list of of some of the more well-known subject repositories is included below. Each repository may have its own submission and preservation policy.