Navari Family Center for Digital Scholarship
250 Hesburgh Library
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I am having trouble loading PubMed references into Distiller: I would like to import both citation data and abstracts, but PubMed doesn't export all of those fields into the same file. What should I do?
In PubMed:
Conduct your search
When you have your desired results, click "Save"
Selection: all results
Format: PMID
In your preferred text editor:
Open the .txt file that was downloaded from PubMed
Select all of the PMID #s in the file > copy them
In Distiller:
In the top-level navigation References > Find and import references
Select "from PubMed"
Tweak standard options as you see fit
In the "Enter PubMed Search" box, paste the PMID #s you copied from the .txt file (note that if you just enter your query you will get an error--simply paste in the PMID #s and nothing else)
Click "Run Search"
Review the search results to make sure they are what you expect
Click "Import References"
In PubMed:
Conduct your search
When you have your desired results, click "Send to"
Selection: all results
In your preferred citation manager:
Import the .ris file
Review the entries to ensure they are what you expect. Acceptable .ris files for Distiller import meet the following guidelines:
In Distiller:
In the top-level navigation References > Find and import references
Select "From File"
Tweak your standard options as you see fit
Click "Import References"