Mahaffey Business Library
L001 Mendoza College of Business
University of Notre Dame
Notre Dame, IN 46556
(574) 631-9098
Business Library Website
A company profile provides background history on a company's history, ownership, finances, competition, and industry. Company profiles generally provide information such as financial statements and organizational charts. Most also provide direct access to annual reports, 10-K, and 10-Q forms if they are available. Availability of these forms generally depends on the status of a company as private or public.
Helpful information to consider when searching for public company profiles. Does the company have alternate names or abbreviations? Is the company a subsidiary of a larger company? Another helpful tip is to search the name of your company in Google with the term "investor relations" (e.g. Starbucks investor relations). This will generally take you to a separate website for the company including news, annual reports, earnings call transcripts, and many other resources that can be helpful for an analysis.
A company profile provides background history on a company's history, ownership, finances, competition, and industry. Company profiles generally provide information such as financial statements and organizational charts. Most also provide direct access to annual reports, 10-K, and 10-Q forms if they are available. Availability of these forms generally depends on the status of a company as private or public.
Private companies can be more difficult to find information on. In the absence of a company profile, consider checking recommended news/media sources, the official company website, or finding an equivalent public company from which to draw conclusions.
A company profile provides background history on a company's history, ownership, finances, competition, and industry. Company profiles generally provide information such as financial statements and organizational charts. Most also provide direct access to annual reports, 10-K, and 10-Q forms if they are available. Availability of these forms generally depends on the status of a company as private or public.
Nonprofits generally maintain a tax exemption status by fulfilling a set of criteria outlined by the IRS. They do not generally turn a profit, but they do provide information with regard to their operating costs and cash flow relating their organization. Certain industries, such as hospitals, have greater representation in the nonprofit industry.