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Second Year Architecture

Overview of Project

Research Poster Project

Groups of 4-5 students

Over the course of the semester, students will work in groups to produce an original poster on a topic of their choosing within the scope of the course. This poster is designed to cultivate both visual analysis and scholarly research skills. Detailed instructions on poster content and layout will be provided during the course.


Begin group work:

Intro library search, form teams, brainstorm topics

Sept. 5

Submit team members, 3 tentative topics

Sept. 7

Submit title and abstract

Sept. 19

Submit first (partial) draft:

Submit title, revised abstract, tentative organization, bibliography, and source illustrations.

Oct. 12

Lightning sessions and Q/A

Submit all poster materials: title, abstract, complete texts, bibliography, and illustrations

Nov. 14-16

Submit final poster:

Nov. 28

Submit final poster (with 10% penalty):

Dec 14

Poster Guidelines

Poster Format And Guidelines:

Total text should be between 600-1000 words. Your poster should include the following elements:

  • Title:

    • Start with a clear and concise title that reflects the topic of the poster.

  • Author Information:

    • Include the names and emails of the student authors.

  • Introduction:

    • Begin with a brief introduction that provides context for the research topic.

    • State the research topic/question addressed.

    • Explain why this topic/question why is it significant.

    • State the goals of the study.

    • State the geographical and chronological focus of the study

    • State the sources of evidence you examined (including towns, building types, individual buildings, or building parts/components/materials that the study focuses on)

  • Literature Review:

    • Provide a summary of relevant background information and literature related to the topic.

  • Discussion:

    • Highlight key theories, concepts, and questions that are relevant to the research.

    • Interpret the results and discuss their implications in relation to the research question.

    • Address any limitations of the research.

    • Include your own thoughts on whether you find the theories persuasive. Your work should demonstrate capabilities in analysis, synthesis, and independent critical judgment.

    • If your research raises open questions or identifies areas where further investigation is needed, highlight these here

    • Conclusion:

      • Summarize the research's primary findings, limitations, and (if applicable) the questions it leaves unanswered.

    • References: 

      • Provide a list of 10-30 references in a consistent citation style (see Citations and References).

      • Ensure that all sources used in the poster are properly cited.

Poster Examples