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Architecture - Remote Resources - Rome

This guide is designed to help architecture students and faculty access resources remotely.

Remote Resources - Rome Library

This guide is intended to proved access to library resources for Architecture Students at the Rome Global Gateway of those working remotely. For those students/faculty on the main campus please visit the Architecture Library website. 

Research Assistance

Research and resource assistance will be available via email and by scheduled virtual appointments.

For help with resources in the Architecture Library please email Jennifer Parker and Morgan Wilson. Please note that we cannot scan entire books and cannot mail you books. For access to articles requests must be sent through InterLibrary Loan. 

To schedule an online research consultation, or for questions about what resources are best for your topic please email Jennifer Parker

Remote access

You can access library services off-campus using your Notre Dame NetID and/or your Irish1Card. A Notre Dame NetID is more important for remote access and allows you to access the large majority of our resources, regardless of your physical location.​ 


NetID: Gives you access to online resources

Irish1Card (physical or digital): Gives you access to borrow physical items (depending on your card status/privileges)