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Catalog Help

Information related to advanced searching in Catalog Classic and Primo

Top 3 things about OneSearch/ND Catalog

  1. This interface offers two different search scopes:
    • OneSearch includes lots of records for articles, book reviews, datasets and other scholarly content, in addition to records for books, journals, videos, music and other items in our local collection.
    • ND Catalog only includes items from our local collection, including both print and online books and journals.
  2. Facets, on the left hand side of the search results, can help you narrow down your results. 
  3. Advanced search lets you perform more exact searches and easily limit your searches by year, language, format or library location. 

Top 3 things about Catalog Classic

  1. Catalog Classic doesn't retrieve individual journal articles. 
  2. For information on a topic, use Keyword searches. If you know the title or author of the item you are looking for, use search type "Title begins with" or "Author (last name first)"
  3. Advanced search lets you perform more exact searches and limit your searches by year, language, format or library location.

How are ND Catalog and Catalog Classic different?

Catalog Classic is the catalog interface that comes with the software the libraries use to manage our collection (our Integrated Library System, or ILS). The ND Catalog/OneSearch interface is separate software into which we load all of the records from Catalog Classic, and add in additional records that we cannot put in our ILS, like article records, archival records from Rare Books & Special Collections and University Archives, and very large record sets like the HathiTrust corpus. There are many similar features, but each interface offers some features the other does not; Catalog Classic supports better advanced searching against specific fields in the cataloged records, while the ND Catalog and OneSearch provide better ranking, filtering and sorting.

The ND Catalog has all of our local records, including our print, digital media, and online collections. OneSearch includes all of our local records, plus the article records from collections we have activated, including indexes like Web of Science and Scopus, databases like JSTOR, and many individual publisher collections.


Collections in OneSearch, the ND Catalog, and Catalog Classic:

Collection name
Approximate collection size
OneSearch ND Catalog Catalog Classic
Hesburgh Libraries 
4.5 million records
Yes Yes Yes
Rare Books and Special Collections and Archives archival records
1,500 records
Yes Yes No
Kresge Law Library
370,000 records
Yes Yes No
Holy Cross College
13,000 records
Yes Yes No
3 million records
Yes Yes No
200 records
Yes Yes No
Billions of records from 200+ collections
Yes No No

What can I do?

  NetID + Irish1Card NetID Only Card Only Neither
Use online resources Yes Yes No* No*
Search the Catalog / OneSearch Yes Yes Yes Yes
Log in to the Catalog / OneSearch Yes No Yes No
Check out books Yes No Yes No
Request scanned articles or book chapters Yes Yes No No

* Guests can access select resources on-site at the Hesburgh Libraries. See Visitor Information for more details.