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Catalog Help

Information related to advanced searching in Catalog Classic and Primo

How do I get a book?

Find a book on the shelves

Once you find an item in the catalog, first check to see if it is available.


If the item is available, look for the location and call number. The location will tell you the building and collection the item is in. If the item is in the Annex, use the request options to have it sent to Hesburgh Library or the branch of your choice. If the item is in Hesburgh Library or one of the branches, you can find it on the shelves, or request to have it pulled for you and held at Hesburgh Library or the branch of your choice.


The call number will tell you where it is on the shelf. If the item is in the Hesburgh Library, you can find the floor it is on by looking at the library floor maps; once on the appropriate floor, look on the ends of shelves to see the call number range in each row. Staff at Hesburgh or the branches can answer questions about using call numbers.


Request unavailable items

You can recall items that are checked out. Search for the item in the ND Catalog or Catalog Classic, and sign into your account to see your request options. 

If you can’t find the item you want in OneSearch, your library can request a copy from another library through Interlibrary Loan. Contact your ILL department for more information (Notre DameHoly Cross).

How do I find articles?

Finding articles on a topic

To find articles on a particular topic, search in OneSearch or your home institution's indexes and databases (Notre DameHoly Cross)

Indexes and databases are like search engines, usually dealing with a broad subject. They:

  • Help you search for articles on a particular topic.

  • May provide the full text of the article.

  • May also contain records for government documents, books and book chapters, dissertations, theses, images, and more.

For help finding articles or using an index, contact your institution's reference librarians (Notre DameHoly Cross).

Accessing a specific article

Both OneSearch and Google Scholar can find articles by title and link you to the full text through your library. If you can’t find a matching article citation, you can also look up the journal the article is in in the ND CatalogCatalog Classic or the eJournal Locator, and browse to the matching year and issue.

If you can’t find the full text of the item you want, your library can request a copy from another library through Interlibrary Loan. Contact your ILL department for more information (Notre DameHoly Cross).

Why should I sign in to my account?

You do not need to sign in to search the ND Catalog or Catalog Classic. If you try to access any of our online resources that require signing in, you will be prompted to do so.

Signing into the ND Catalog or Catalog Classic lets you:

  • see what items you have checked out
  • renew items you have checked out
  • save records to Favorites / My e-Shelf and organize them in folders

In OneSearch, signing in also lets you see all article records we have activated, though many are available without signing in first.

To sign-in, enter your NetID and password, or the NDID from the front of your Irish1Card or the 14-digit barcode number on your Holy Cross College ID card and your PIN (the month and date of your birthday, mmdd). Your library catalog PIN may not be the same as your door PIN.

How do I save the results of a search so I can get the list later?

Both the ND Catalog and Catalog Classic have several functions for saving and emailing search results. You can:

  • save search results to My e-Shelf / Favorites and find them there later
  • save search results to your computer
  • email search results to yourself
  • export search results to RefWorks, Mendeley, EndNote and other citation managers

Can I have books delivered or scans emailed to me?

Faculty and staff can have books delivered to their department or branch library. 

All members of Notre Dame can request to have books pulled from the stacks and held at the branch of your choice, and faculty, staff and graduate students can request scans of individual articles or book chapters.

Set your delivery location for local materials in the ND Catalog or Catalog Classic, and your delivery location for interlibrary loan materials in your Interlibrary Loan settings

How can I find new library books?

In Catalog Classic, there is an option within Advanced Search to show new titles added to the catalog within the last 7, 30, or 90 days in the Multi-field Keyword Search box.

In OneSearch or the ND Catalog, you can sign in, construct a search, save it using the bookmark icon at the top of your search results, and then turn on notifications for new records added to the catalog that meet your search criteria.

Why are non-Western characters displaying incorrectly?

To correctly display records with characters from non-Western languages, your browser or computer setting may need to be changed. Please contact OIT for more help with this.

How do I find DVDs?