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GE 30305 — Contemporary Germany

Archival Resources

Rare Materials at Notre Dame

World War I

News Serials

Le Miroir, 5 volumes, 1914/1915-1918-1919.  Paris weekly covering 9 August 1914 to 27 July 1919 (260 issues total). Special Collections, Rare Books XLarge – D 501 .M57 

Illustrated London News, American edition. A pioneering work in history of journalism, the Illustrated London News (London edition) was the first illustrated magazine published in the world. It provides important primary evidence about life in the trenches, animals and war, sports and the War, life, and many other aspects. The original London edition is fully digitized and available through the library databases. There is two-week difference between the London and American editions. Special Collections, Rare Boxed AP4 .IL62, 1914-1918 (incomplete)

Wachtfeuer: Kunstblätter zum Krieg (1914-1918) – Complete set of 221 weekly issues plus the special issue for New Year’s 1915. Primary source showing German nationalistic text with more than 1,000 illustrations of war propaganda depicting war situations, important politicians, and allegorical content. Special Collections, Rare Books Medium – D 526.5 .W34


Humphrey M. Barbour World War I Scrapbooks – A four-volume illustrated memoir, in scrapbook form, of the World War I military service of Humphrey M. Barbour, an artillery officer in the American Army's 42nd (Rainbow) Division. In addition to a 220-page typescript memoir the volumes contain close to 1000 photographic prints, postcards, published halftones, maps, manuscript military records, and drawings relating to Barbour's service, 1917 to 1919. MSN/MN 0506-1-B to MSN/MN 0506-4-B; MSN/MN 0506-5 to MSN/MN 0506-7

In Ruhleben Camp Scrapbooks. Two-volume scrapbook containing original drawings and text for In Ruhleben Camp (1915) and The Ruhleben Camp Magazine (1916-1917) compiled possibly for postwar publication. The satirical drawings and writings deal with life of British civilians interned in a German prisoner camp in Ruhleben, Germany. Two bound volumes of the published camp magazine accompany the scrapbook.


Rosen, Abraham. Abraham Rosen Diary. 1917-1919. 3 vols. 10 x 15, 9 x 14, and 15 cm.; 36, 46, and 220 leaves; with 70, 37, and 211 pages of manuscript. A World War I soldier’s diary written by Abraham Rosen (1898-1960), whose family had emigrated from Bessarabia (Russia) to Philadelphia in 1908. Rosen served in the 110th Infantry Regiment (28th Division) of the U. S. Army from March 1917 to May 1919, first in Co. M and subsequently in the Signal Platoon of Headquarters Co. The 110th Infantry arrived in France in May 1918 and served in many of the major campaigns of that year, including the Meuse-Argonne offensive. Two initial volumes, covering December 1917 to March 1918, were written during training at Camp Hancock, Georgia. A third, much longer volume (perhaps 25,000 words) covers Rosen's last months of training, his wartime service in France, and the occupation. Rosen was a Jew, and his persecution by other military personnel is a feature of the narrative. MSN/MN 8014-1 to MSN/MN 8014-4.

Two Diaries in Official Army Books covering the period 1 January 1918 to 10 February 1919. 266 manuscript pages, written in a neat secretarial hand, chronicling in detail the progress of the final year of WWI and the immediate aftermath of the Armistice. The diaries are unsigned but appear to be an official day by day Army record of the War, chronicling aspects of the fighting, troop movements, etc., as well as other matters of concern, such as the growing problems in Ireland and in Russia in the immediate aftermath of the Bolshevist Revolution and political developments. Included also is a full text of the Armistice. Eight finely executed manuscript maps showing aspects of the War in its final stages have been carefully and neatly prepared in blue and green ink and appear to be copies of maps published contemporaneously in The Times. The original press cuttings containing The Times versions of the maps are loosely inserted with the diaries. MSE/MD 3823-1B and MSE/MD 3823-2B.

Flora Elsie Hill Journal – The European travel journal of Flora Elsie Hill (b. 1862), a teacher at the State Normal School at Marquette, Michigan. The journal includes entries ranging from 12 April to 18 August 1914. Of particular interest are the entries after 4 August, which describe Hill’s difficulties in getting out of Russia and her anxious trip back to England in the uncertain opening days of World War I. MSN/MN 8005-1

Mixed Collection

Manuscript Collection of Dr. George Marshall Oakden – Collection of diaries, letters, documents, and ephemera of a surgeon of the British Royal Navy that details Oakden’s service to Britain during World War I. Of considerable interest are Oakden’s accounts about naval actions around Gallipoli. MSE/MD 3820-001 to MSE/MD 3820-014


C. E. Le Rossignol World War I Nurse Letters and Photographs Collection – Collection or 54 letters between C. E. Rossignol and her brother, Arthur, while they both were serving in World War I from 1914 to 1919. C. E. was a nurse and her brother was a soldier with the British Expeditionary Forces. MSE/MD 3821-1 to MSE/MD 3821-81

Lenore Mooney Papers – The correspondence and other papers of the American Lenore Mooney (1859-1941), dating especially from her time as a relief worker in Paris during World War I. There are many letters to Mooney from French soldiers and others victimized by the war, as well as a substantial correspondence with nephew Charles E. Bayly, Jr., an ambulance driver with the American Field Service who subsequently served as sous-lieutenant in the French army. MSN/MN 0500-1 to MSN/MN 0500-241

Visual Collections

Schultz, Ernest. A travers les mers et les océans vers la France. Débarquement des troupes russes à Marseille, 20 avril 1916. Paris?: E. Schultz, 1916? [in French and Russian] Photo album signed by Colonel Ernest Schultz that contains 95 photos documenting the landing of Russian troops in Marseille on April 20, 1916. Special Collections, Rare Books Medium – D 549 .R8 S56 1916z

Goncharova, Natalia. Misticheskīe obrazy vony: 14 litografīĭ [Mystical Images of War]. Moskva: Izd. V.N. Kashina, 1914. Portfolio of fourteen lithographs by the Russian avant-garde artist Natalia Goncharova (1881–1962). Published in the fall of 1914, the lithographs represent one of the earliest and most profound artistic responses to the outbreak of the Great War. They tell an epic and “mystical” story about the eternal struggle between good and evil, destruction and redemption, in which national, traditional, religious, apocalyptic, and contemporary images are intertwined. Digital images available from exhibit displayed at the Snite Museum (Jan-Apr 2015). Special Collections, Vault – NE2459 .W37 G66 1914

Printed Books

Heartfield, John. Erstes Jahrbuch. Platz dem Arbeiter. Berlin: Malik-Verlag, 1924. 222 pages, illustrated with satirical cartoons and photographs. Photomontage cover by John Heartfield. Celebrates revolutionary literature in the aftermath of the First World War. Contributions by Johannes R. Becher, Max Hoelz, Martin Andersen Nexö, Kurt Tucholsky, Oskar Kanehl, Oskar Mara Graf, Wieland Herzfelde, Maxim Gorli, Franz Jung, and others. Medium HX 6 .P53

Rikli, Herbert. Hurra! Ein Kriegsbilderbuch. Stuttgart: Loewes Verlag Ferdinand Carl, [1915]. Tells the story of a young German boy’s dream in the early stages of the First World War. Large D 522.7 .R55 1915

Krieg und Kunst: Achtundvierzig Steinzeichnungen der Berliner Sezession. Berlin: Julius Bard, 1915. Contains full-page lithographs by artists of the Berlin Secession. Oversize NE 2450 .B37 1915


World War II and the Holocaust


Jutta Schütt Collection – Collection contains letters from a single, German mother recounting her experiences living under the Nazi regime. Topic covered innclude issues of American politics and the evolving social and legal situation in Nazi Germany particularly in regard to custody and Aryan verification. (1916-1939), MSE/MD 3826

Printed Books

Anfang: Zeitschrift der Jugend Kampfblätter für neue Schule. Ed. Carl Werckshagen, Illustrated by Heinz Hauer. Lauenburg: Bücherstube am Philosophenberg, 1921. Extraordinarily rare first part of a newsletter of the youth movement. Medium PT 1110 .R45 A54 1921

Eichler, Max. Du bist sofort im Bilde. Erfurt: J. G. Cramer Verlag, 1940. illustrated manual for the German people that describes the laws, racial and otherwise, and internal workings of the units of the Nazi Party and the German Government and their relationship to and impact upon the individual, the family, and the nation. Also covers social, political, and military structures, industrial, transport, postal system, leisure activities, the ranks, uniforms, and insignia of the army, navy, and Luftwaffe, youth activities, and more. Medium JN 3959 .E34 1940

Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter-Partei. Der Untermensch. Berlin: Vertrieb Nordland Verlag, 1942? Anti-Jewish, Nazi propaganda magazine published under the orders of Heinrich Himler. Russian and Jewish people are depicted as "Untermenschen." Illustrated with annotated phoogravures that are arranged to contrast the subhuman Jewish people with the Aryan world of the Germanic people. Oversize D 743.2 U55 1942

Der Simpl. Ed. Markus Schrimpf. München: Freitag Verlang, 1946. Complete run. An anti-fascist, anti-military, and anti-nationalistic magazine with illustrations and writers deemed as degenerates during the Nazi regime including Max Beckmannm Otto Dix, Erich Kästner, and Askar Maria Graf.  XLarge NC 1508 .S56

Rohden, Erich. Manövertag: Ein Soldatenbilderbuch. Mainz: Jos. Scholz, c. 1936. Illustrated Nationalist Socialist children's propaganda book. Images depict soldiers of the Wehrmacht engaged in field exercises. Medium DD 253 .R643 1936

Feder, Gottfried. Die neue Stadt. Berlin: Julius Springer, 1939. Detailed account of the Nazi attempt at Garden City building. Feder outlines the building of self-sufficient, fully autonomous agricultural cities. Large NA 9030 .F40 1939