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CSEM 23012 — Immortality

Books on Presenting

Giving Presentations and Speeches

Any class presentations and or speeches are more effective if its delivered well utilizing the following points of practice:

  1. Credibility - A speaker’s credibility is the amount of trust and belief the speaker inspires in an audience. You want to establish yourself as a speaker whom the audience can trust to give accurate information. One way to do this is to tell the audience a little about your background or experience to let your audience know what makes you qualified to talk about your topic. Be thoroughly prepared, but if you do not know something or if experts are still debating a point, freely admit this.
  2. Enthusiasm - Be enthusiastic about your topic. Your audience will probably find it difficult to become excited about the topic you are speaking about if you do not seem to find it important or interesting. The more enthusiasm you show, the more likely you are to get and to hold the audience’s attention.
  3. Eye contact - Establish eye contact with your listeners. If you look at the members of your audience, they will look at you. If you fail to establish eye contact, the members of the audience will let their eyes - and their attention - wander.
  4. Vocal Variety and Emphasis - Vary your tone, rate, volume, and pitch to emphasize key points and to make your speech more interesting.
  5. Clear Articulation and Enunciation - Be careful not to slur your words. When you speak clearly, your audience will find listening to your message easy and enjoyable.
  6. Good Pronunciation - Your pronunciation can either help or hurt your credibility. If you mispronounce key words in your speech, your listeners will begin to question whether you have a thorough knowledge of your subject