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Media Entrepreneurship (Hedlin, Chris)

Industry Introduction

In business, industry generally serves as the broadest category of analysis when researching a business environment. Companies which are similar, based on the sources of their revenue, are grouped into a common category for purpose of organizing data and insights. There is no governing body which assigns industry designations to companies, and companies can fall under multiple industries at the same time. Industry information can be helpful in researching the following topic areas:

  • Competitive landscape

  • Policies and regulations

  • Operating conditions

  • Market shares

  • Risk and barriers to entry

  • Major trends and industry volatility

Industry Jargon:

  • North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) - Modern numeric classification system for industries and industry sectors commonly used to categorize industry information across multiple databases

  • Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) - Historic numeric classification system for industries and industry sectors that has largely been abandoned in favor of NAICS. Some older databases which rely on SEC filings still use SIC codes as their organizational scheme

Industry Reports and Data

Industry Trade Journals and Academic Literature

Competitive Landscape