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America's Wars, Causes of

A guide to resources for the study of causes or origins of America's major armed conflicts.


  • Vietnam War
  • Viet-nam War
  • Vietnamese War
  • Vietnamese Conflict
  • Indo-China War (the broader Vietnam, Lao, and Cambodia v. France and the U.S War)
  • IndoChina War (the broader Vietnam, Lao, and Cambodia v. France and the U.S War)

Reference Sources

Search Suggestions

Books, Videos, etc.
For books, etc. held by Notre Dame analyzing the causes of World War II use:
  • ND Catalog
  • Advanced Search
  • Subject
  • Is (exact)
  • and enter: 
    • Vietnam War, 1961-1975 -- Causes
  • OR
    • Indochinese War, 1946-1954 -- Causes



For scholarly articles:

  • In one or more of the recommended article databases
  • Do a "keyword" search for:
    • ("vietnam war" OR "viet-nam war" OR "vietnamese war OR "vietnamese conflict  OR "indo-china war" OR "indochina war") AND (cause* OR origin OR origins)
  • If retrieval is too great or too small,
    • limit search terms to title, subject or abstract,
    • adjust search by adding or removing or modifying search terms, and/or
    • limiting search results to "peer reviewed" or "refereed" articles.
For pre-war popular opinion & analysis: 
  • In one or more of the recommended article databases
  • Do a "keyword" search for:
  • the names of countries and their foreign policy ("foreign relations") with each other such as:
    • vietnam* AND (policy or relations) AND "united states"
    • (france OR french) AND (policy or relations) AND vietnam*
    • (china or chinese) AND (policy or relations) AND vietnam*
    • ("vietnam* AND "democratic republic") OR ("democratic republic of vietnam" OR "north vietnam*") AND "united states"
    • ("vietnam* AND republic) OR ("republic of vietnam" OR "south vietnam*") AND "united states"
    • vietnam* AND "history 1945-1975"
    • vietnam* AND "politics and government 1945-1975"
  • OR
  • Search for specific points of friction or events.
    • Geneva Conference (1954)
  • Limit results to:
    • 1945-1955
  • If retrieval is too great or too small,
    • limit search terms to title, subject or abstract,
    • adjust search by adding or removing or modifying search terms

For post war (1975-2018) popular opinion and analysis

  • In one or more of the recommended article databases
  • Do a "keyword" search for:
    • ("vietnam war" OR "viet-nam war" OR "vietnamese war OR "vietnamese conflict  OR "indo-china war" OR "indochina war") AND (cause* OR origin OR origins)
  • Limit results to:     
    • 1975 to 2018
  • If retrieval is too great or too small,
    • limit search terms to title, subject or abstract,
    • adjust search by adding or removing or modifying search terms, and/or
    • limiting search results to "peer reviewed" or "refereed" articles.

Primary Sources

Published Document Collections

See the "American Memory" project at Library of Congress Collections


For other collections of primary source held by Notre Dame search:

  • ND Catalog
  • Advanced Search
  • Subject
  • contains
  • and enter:
    • (Vietnam* OR Indochin*) AND causes AND (sources OR documents)

Primary Sources: United Nations

  • 1946 to date.
  • Use to identify pre-1968 documents.  Once identified, search the ND Catalog for call number.
  • Provides UN document number for documents in the Hesburgh Library Microtext Collection (Lower Level) and for use with Interlibary Loan.