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America's Wars, Causes of

A guide to resources for the study of causes or origins of America's major armed conflicts.


  • War of 1812
  • Anglo-American War of 1812

Reference Sources

Search Suggestions

Books, Videos, etc.

For books, etc. held by Notre Dame analyzing the causes of the War of 1812 use:

  • ND Catalog
  • Advanced Search
  • Subject
  • Is (exact)
  • and enter: 
    • War of 1812 Causes

For books, etc. providing contemporary (1750-1785) opinion & analysis use:

  • ND Catalog
  • Advanced Search
  • Subject
  • Contains
  • and enter: 
    • ("great britain" OR england OR "united kingdom") AND "united states" AND Relations     
  • Limit results ( on left ) to: 
    • 1805 to 1815
  • Use "facets" (left column) to further narrow results

For books, etc. held by other libraries:



For scholarly articles:

  • In one or more of the recommended article databases
  • Do a "keyword" search for:
    • "war of 1812" and (cause* or origin or origins) 
  • If retrieval is too great or too small,
    • limit search terms to title, subject or abstract,
    • adjust search by adding or removing or modifying search terms, and/or
    • limiting search results to "peer reviewed" or "refereed" articles.

For contemporaneous popular opinion & analysis (1805-1815):

In one or more of the recommended article databases

  • Do a "keyword" search for:
    • ("great britain" OR england OR "united kingdom") AND "united states" AND Relations 
  • Limit results to:     
    • 1805-1815
  • If retrieval is too great or too small,
    • limit search terms to title, subject or abstract,
    • adjust search by adding or removing or modifying search terms

Primary Sources

For other collections of primary source held by Notre Dame use:

  • ND Catalog
  • Advanced Search
    • Subject
    • Is (exact)
    • "war of 1812"
  • AND
    • Any
    • contains
    • (cause* OR origin OR origins) AND (sources OR documents)