Mahaffey Business Library
L001 Mendoza College of Business
University of Notre Dame
Notre Dame, IN 46556
(574) 631-9098
Business Library Website
A company profile provides background history on a company's history, ownership, finances, competition, and industry. Company profiles generally provide information such as financial statements and organizational charts. Most also provide direct access to annual reports, 10-K, and 10-Q forms if they are available. Availability of these forms generally depends on the status of a company as private or public.
When searching for company profiles, it is generally easier to find information on public companies. Other helpful information to consider when searching for public company profiles. Does the company have alternate names or abbreviations? Is the company a subsidiary of a larger company?
A company profile provides background history on a company's history, ownership, finances, competition, and industry. Company profiles generally provide information such as financial statements and organizational charts. Most also provide direct access to annual reports, 10-K, and 10-Q forms if they are available. Availability of these forms generally depends on the status of a company as private or public.
Private companies can be more difficult to find information on. In the absence of a company profile, consider checking recommended news/media sources, the official company website, or finding an equivalent public company from which to draw conclusions.
A company profile provides background history on a company's history, ownership, finances, competition, and industry. Company profiles generally provide information such as financial statements and organizational charts. Most also provide direct access to annual reports, 10-K, and 10-Q forms if they are available. Availability of these forms generally depends on the status of a company as private or public.
Nonprofits generally maintain a tax exemption status by fulfilling a set of criteria outlined by the IRS. They do not generally turn a profit, but they do provide information with regard to their operating costs and cash flow relating their organization. Certain industries, such as hospitals, have greater representation in the nonprofit industry.