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French Language and Literature

Streaming Video in French

In addition to physical DVDs, the library offers streaming video options through Kanopy.

A list of French-language films available through Kanopy can be found by going to this web page from the website. You can also find other French-language films on additional platforms (NetFlix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, etc.) from this site:


Finding DVDs in French

The Hesburgh Library has a collection of DVDs in French that are available for use. To find a specific DVD title, search for the title name in ND Catalog and include "dvd" in your search string along with the name of a particular film, or simply search for "dvd" and then narrow to French-language DVDs using the Language facet on the left:

DVDs and other video formats are kept in the lower level floor of the library. Media is shelved in a closed area and not available for physical browsing.  Use the ND Catalog to find an item's call number (shown circled in red, in the image above) and use the Request feature from the catalog to check it out. Most materials can be checked out for seven days, or can be viewed with library equipment.

List of French-language films available through Hesburgh Library

To view a list of the DVDs in French that are available at the Hesburgh Library, please click on the link below.