The following films are in VHS. These films are in storage and may be requested.
1641: [and] The Curse of Cromwell. V 01610
Aidan Walsh: Master of the Universe. I 65-52 VC
Ailsa. V 01633
Blood and Belonging. V 02366
Books in the Blood. V 01622
The Boy from Mercury. V 01645
Bringing it all back home. V 01615
Celtic Feet: Irish Dancing step by step with Colin Dunne. V 01616
Charles Haughey's Ireland V 01606
Come dance with me in Ireland. V 01628
The Dawning. K 71-1 VC
Derek Mahon. V 02830
Eavan Boland. V 00625
Edel Quinn. V 00822
Flight of the Doves. V 01638
Fortune. V 02225
From Shore to Shore: Irish traditional music in New York City. V 01602
A Further Gesture. V 01643
The General. B 724-3 VC
Green Fire & Ice. V 01607
Grosse Ils: Gateway and Graveyard. I 65-12 VC
Guiltrip. V 01637
Guinness Times: The Story of the Guinness Brewery. V 01649
Hang Up your Brightest Colours: The life and death of Michael Collins. V 01621
The Hard Road to Klondike; From Rotha Mór an tSaois, the Autobiography of Michael MacGowan. V 01650
Harp of My Country: a musical biography: Thomas Moore, 1779-1852: Ireland's National Poet. V 01623
Hear My Song. V 00928
Here Are Ladies. V 01618
A History of Ireland. V 01613
How to Cheat in the Leaving Certificate. V 01634
Hush-a-bye Baby. V 01646
The Informer. V 01242
Ireland, a writer's island. V 01605
An Irish American Story. V 01630
The Irish at Gettysburg. V 01632
Irish Civil War. V 01653
The Irish in America Long Journey Home. V 01620
Irish Martyrs. V 01614
The Irish Theatre: O'Casey's Juno and the Paycock. V 02609
Juno and the Paycock. V 01531
KEnnedy's Ireland. K 35-1 VC
Lamb. V 01626
Lord of the Dance. V 01617
A Love Divided. V 01640
A Man of No Importance. K 92-1 VC
Mayo. V 01601
Maze. V 00630
Michal Hartnett: Necklace of Wrens. V 00968
Northern Ireland Chronicle. V 01629
Out of Ireland. V 01608
Paddy Noonan's Let's have an Irish Party. V 01612
Playboy of the Western World. V 03815
The Railway Station man. V 04054