Hesburgh Library
First Floor
University of Notre Dame
Notre Dame, IN 46556
(574) 631-6258
This guide suggests ways to find current, recent, and historical newspapers available in digital, print, or microform format.
Many individual newspaper titles are available in more than one format, depending on the time period.
Important sources for newspapers of all time periods (current, recent, and historical) are aggregator databases. These are databases in which many papers or periodicals are gathered together (aggregated) and made searchable. Searches can be done by publication title, keyword, location, date, and other criteria.
One significant difference among aggregators is how they render the text. For current newspaper coverage, most aggregators provide html text only (no photos, illustrations, or original formatting, and no full-page or issue viewing). Most aggregators of historical papers include original formatting as well as full-page viewing.
The Library Homepage provides several access points:
The Center for Research Libraries (CRL) supplies newspapers in paper, microform, and digital formats and they circulate their physical collections through Inter Library Loan (ILL). At CRL's site, choose Browse Catalog then Newspapers to search CRL's catalog. CRL also offers the International Coalition on Newspapers (ICON) database on newspapers published outside of the United States.
WorldCat can be searched for newspaper holdings in libraries worldwide, but full-text of newspapers is not available.
If you don't know the title of the newspaper, search Google. Current day or week is usually available for free; older articles often have to be paid for. For example in the Google search box key in:
newspapers south bend indiana
newspapers morocco
for links that will take you to newspapers for a particular location.