Navari Family Center for Digital Scholarship
250 Hesburgh Library
Peace Studies is an inter-, multi-, or trans-disciplinary discipline. It includes methodologies and insights from most of the social sciences, many of the humanities plus the arts, law, business, science and engineering. Peace Studies at Notre Dame is particularly concerned with Strategic Peacebuilding and seeks to "understand the causes of armed conflict, develop ways to prevent and resolve war, genocide, terrorism, gross violations of human rights; and build peaceful and just systems and societies.
These resources will provide background information or context for your project or paper. They will also assist you in identifying key themes, participants, and events as you focus your research.
Politics, Policy and International Relations
Maps and atlases are a central resource in the study of politics, conflict, and peace. The Hesburgh Libraries have a collection of large, detailed maps published by various U.S. government agencies located in the Hesburgh Library Lower Level and in the Reference Atlas Case (first floor). For more information, see our Library Guide on Maps.