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LAW 74383: The Regulation of Social Media (Carozza): Journals & Law Reviews

Journals & Law Reviews

Law journal articles are a rich source of legal information and particularly helpful in rapidly changing and developing areas like computer, internet, privacy and technology law.

The following is a select list of leading journals in these areas.  Note that the links take you to each publications' homepage which includes additional articles and commentary that do not appear in the print editions (archived on HeinOnline, Lexis and Westlaw).


  • Berkeley Technology Law Journal: Emerging issues of law in the areas of intellectual property, high-technology and biotechnology. BTLJ strives to keep judges, policymakers, practitioners, and the academic community abreast of this dynamic field.


  • Duke Law and Technology Review: The Duke Law & Technology Review (DLTR) is an online legal publication that focuses on the evolving intersection of law and technology. DLTR examines new developments, synthesizes them around larger theoretical issues, and critically examines the implications.


  • Harvard Journal of Law & Technology: Covers all aspects of technology law, including intellectual property, biotechnology, privacy law, computer law, cybercrime, antitrust, space law, telecommunications, the Internet, and e-commerce.


  • Harvard JOLT Digest: JOLT's online component presents short synopses of recent developments in law and technology, as well as commentary by academics, industry leaders, and law students.


  • Journal of Media Law: Publishes research focused on global developments in media law including defamation, libel, privacy, copyright, media regulation, freedom of speech and beyond.


  • Notre Dame Journal on Emerging Technologies: The Notre Dame Journal on Emerging Technologies (JET) transforms the landscape of legal publications by bridging legal scholarship with that of science, policy, and ethics in the most groundbreaking innovations of the technological space. JET provides a truly interdisciplinary platform in which a variety of viewpoints on emerging technologies can be articulated, promoted, and assessed. JET showcases a network of ideas that extends beyond the imaginary lines that tend to limit academic scholarship.


  • Santa Clara High Technology Law Journal: A forum for multidisciplinary discourse on emerging issues at the intersection of technology, law, and public policy. Prior to Volume 30, the journal was known as the Santa Clara Computer and High Technology Law Journal.


  • Stanford Technology Law Review: Well-rounded analyses of the legal, business, and policy issues that arise at the intersection of intellectual property law, science and technology, and industry.


  • UCLA Journal of Law and Technology: The Journal of Law and Technology, JOLT for short, is dedicated to producing the best literature on the web concerning not only hard IP, but all intellectual property that is at the forefront of technology, at the forefront of academia, society and innovation.


  • Yale Journal of Law & Technology: The Yale Journal of Law and Technology (YJoLT) is a leading journal focused on the important interaction between law and technology. 

Journals and Law Reviews are also full-text searchable on Lexis+ and Westlaw (which both have far more advanced search options than an individual journal's webpage).




  • SSRN: Tomorrow's research today!  Formerly known as Social Sciences Research Network, SSRN is a repository devoted to the rapid dissemination of working papers and forthcoming scholarship in a variety of disciplines including law, social sciences and humanities.


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The homepage for JOLT Digest.